Re: Re: Re: BURGLARS; dumb query.
Posted by maario on 2011-04-10 2:25:19pm

Dog most them ex's should be "membs of", they aint dead yet

except gamecube,
some motherfucker straight abducted that band at the top of it's game

:BURGLARS (EX-Mucky the Ducky, EX-Sagan Genesis, EX-Grandmother Ham, EX-Gaarth, Ex-Produce Produce, Ex-78 Beatles, EX-S to the U to the P to the E to the R to the F to, EX-Antlers, EX-Gamelan Ensemble, EX-Gamecube)
::Haven't heard of them releasing anything yet..I think at this point there are just a band that performs live and have not released any physical or online music yet
:::a'ight, folks. seen the burglars t'other nite at the hoob, wondered if they had downloadable or purchasable sounds. gig antics notwithstanding i felt a softness and love for their abrasive sounds. cain't find s'much on 'em.

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